Enkele klanten waar Real Solutions Training het voorrecht had om toespraken te bieden:
Toespraken en
Anglo American Platinum - ZA
Total E&P - Nederland
FedEx - ZA
Accenture - ZA
Mindcamp - Canada
Bigen Africa - ZA
Ernst & Young Consulting - ZA
Fontys university of applied sciences - Nederland
Provincie Groningen OR - Nederland
Gemeente Krimpenerwaard OR - Nederland
Monash university - ZA
MoMondays Toronto - Kanada
Hogeschool Zuid - Nederland
FNV - Nederland
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - ZA
Mintek - ZA
North West University - ZA
University of South Africa (UNISA) - ZA
Trendel - Nederland
Merlijn - Nederland
PostNL COR - Nederland
PostNL EOR - Antwerpen en Milaan
CIDA university - ZA
Bolwerk openbare school - Sassenheim Nederland
Eshowe High School - ZA
Reisburo Sawadee - Nederland
Dr. H Bavinckschool - Rotterdam en andere NL scholen
Knowledge resources - ZA
Connetwork - Nederland
National department of health - ZA
Channable - Nederland
National department of Justice - ZA
National department of Science and technology - ZA
DZB Leiden - Nederland
Sasol - ZA
Price Waterhouse Coopers - ZA
Lonmin - ZA
Toyota - ZA
Talisman reizen - Nederland
Iburst - ZA
Johannesburg country club - ZA
Nedbank - ZA
SA Post Office - ZA
South African Revenue Services - ZA
Vodacom - ZA
Telkom - ZA
South African Broadcasting Corporation - ZA
Siyanqoba Seminars 2002 - 2012
Various Businesswomen and Admin Executive Conference
Tech Ed SA
Reed business congressen
Various Dynamic Principals Workshops
Various Salesbytes and Successbytes Seminars
Various SAPRO conferences Sun City & Drakensburg since 2005
International Sales Leadership Conference
Institute of Estate Agents
ACRE International Creativity Conference ongoing since 2006
International Creativity Conference for Educators ongoing since 2009
10th Agri Outlook Conference
4th Women and Environment Conference
Mindcamp - Toronto
We ARE Conference (Creativity and Innovation Fontys Tilburg)
HR Next Level - Utrecht
Jaarlijkse Landelijke VGWM congres sinds 2013 - Utrecht
Jaarlijkse LOMOZ congres sinds 2015 - Nieuwegein
Dagvoorzitter en dagvoorzitter-sprekercombinatie
Bona Empowerment Club
Cell C Launch – Bloemfontein
Sowetan Women’s Club (2003 - 2008)
Various Salesbytes and Successbytes Seminars
Real Magazine roadshow
Unilever roadshow
The Charity Club Convention
CSIR Awards Ceremony
SABC 2 Telkom Christmas Concert
Boss of the Year Awards
Spire Awards
Hydropower and Sustainable Development Conference
Computer Society Awards 3X
Saneri Launch
BKS Engineering
Skills Development Summit
Unisa - Academy of African Languages & Science Stakeholder’s workshop